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HDTC 8 Week Attention Class starts 4/7/15
Tuesday 07 April 2015, 07:30pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 1066
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Leslie Adams email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 215-538-2425

Not a BMDCW Event:

Hilltown Dog Training Club announced an exciting new class.  They will be holding a ½ hour class at 7:30 on Tuesday nights for eight weeks.  This class will be based on the Terry Arnold Attention Program.  Those of you who are new to training will definitely benefit by taking this class.  If you don’t have your dog’s attention it is very difficult to be successful in obedience training.  This is a program that benefits us all no matter how advanced we are or what our goals are.  The attention program cost: Non-members $80.00.  Please feel free to pass this along.  The class will be taught by Carol McCarthy and will start on April 7th.  This class will be sign up only and there will be no drop-ins.  The class builds from week to week so try not to miss any of them.

Location K9Jym: 252 Bethlehem Pike, Colmar, PA 18915

HDTC 8 Week Attention Class starts 4/7/15

Tuesday 07 April 2015 07:30pm - 08:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 1066

Not a BMDCW Event:

Hilltown Dog Training Club announced an exciting new class.  They will be holding a ½ hour class at 7:30 on Tuesday nights for eight weeks.  This class will be based on the Terry Arnold Attention Program.  Those of you who are new to training will definitely benefit by taking this class.  If you don’t have your dog’s attention it is very difficult to be successful in obedience training.  This is a program that benefits us all no matter how advanced we are or what our goals are.  The attention program cost: Non-members $80.00.  Please feel free to pass this along.  The class will be taught by Carol McCarthy and will start on April 7th.  This class will be sign up only and there will be no drop-ins.  The class builds from week to week so try not to miss any of them.

Location : K9Jym: 252 Bethlehem Pike, Colmar, PA 18915
Contact : Leslie Adams email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 215-538-2425

